Get Away


I think I’m long overdue for just escaping the hustle of everyday life and doing what I used to do best. That would be roaming through forest and just being one with the natural world.

My dog I’m sure would love to get away as well and just do what dogs do best. I’d be able to kill two birds with one stone and get some of the footage I have been trying to shoot for the video. I took her a couple of weeks ago to this particular park and she went crazy when we pulled up. I guess she remembers it a tad bit from when she was a puppy and I use to take her walking there. Needless to say, we left because parking was five dollars which I didn’t have so I guess I got her excited for nothing.

Anyways, that’s going to be a priority this weekend for me. I think I just need to clear my head and really get some me time and put things in perspective. That’s something I really miss about my childhood. I used to spend a great deal of time in the woods (as we called it). Hell, I am a country boy and that’s what I grew up around.

That was a retreat to me. Just spending all day amongst nature and simple things. Yeah, I’m in need of that…..a simple little get away!!!!

Busy As A Bee!!!


Well, this is one hell of a week for me. As of lately I’ve just tried to keep myself and my mind as busy as possible. One thing I will say is through this rut I have had to fight my way out of it. If I learned nothing else, I learned to love self with everything you have.

Today I’m going on the hunt for the possible location of the video shoot. I know for sure where it will be so for the most part I’ll just be going to check out how to frame it and study the lighting of the area. I’ve also got to get back on the beat grind seeing as how my dude DJ June put me on a diggers dream so I have no songs to listen to and sample.

I’ve also been hard at work emailing blogs which can get pretty boring especially since there are so many to contact. Like the saying goes you gotta do what you gotta do.

So here’s to hard work and believing in something! Until the next post….stay up!!!!